Uproar Online Dance Competition
We are SO EXCITED to announce our Christmas Extravaganze Virtual Competition on DECEMBER 5th!
After seeing your awesome solos, duos, and trios at our last competition, Uproar has opened the next event up to ALL group sizes, and the SAME PRICE no matter the size of group. We want to see your new routines and will NOT be judging costumes, so studio footage is encouraged!
The TOP SCORING STUDIO (by average score, minimum 5 entries) will receive an Uproar sponsored ICE CREAM PARTY! We will arrange for an ice cream truck to come to the winning studio, so the company dancers can all enjoy the spoils of their victory!
ALL ENTRANTS will receive Uproar Dance Competition stickers, and other prizes will include Fuego Shoes, and a scholarship from Virtual Ballet Intensive!
All virtual events will feature the same 2 levels of dancers used for our in-person competitions (Elite and Pro), and 4 age categories (Mini, Junior, Teen, Senior).
We will accept entries that are filmed at home, in a garage, outside in a meadow, or footage from an in-person competition. Please only send recent footage in interest of fairness to all the contestants.
Contact us at info@danceuproar.com for studio discounts, or information on how to register solos independantly!
We can’t wait to see what amazing dances you have to show us, and looking forward to seeing you in December!